Hi, I’m Bel.

I know firsthand how messy, overwhelming, and isolating the early years of motherhood can feel. I’ve been the mum who googled every little thing at 2 a.m., wondering if I was doing it all wrong. I’ve been the mum who lost herself completely in the needs of her kids, only to realise one day that I barely recognised the woman in the mirror. And I’ve been the mum who thought everyone else had it together while I was quietly drowning.

Motherhood cracked me open in ways I never expected. I’ve navigated postnatal depression, anxiety, and the daily rollercoaster of raising kids with ADHD, dyslexia, anxiety disorders, and big, sensitive feelings. I’ve homeschooled, second-guessed myself a million times, and slowly found my way back to solid ground.

Through it all, one thing became crystal clear: we are not meant to do this alone. Yet so many mums feel isolated, overwhelmed, and unsure of themselves - especially in a world that constantly tells us we should be doing more, being more, or getting it 'right.' But the truth is, there is no one right way to parent.

I created Life Postnatal because no mother should have to figure this all out on her own. Motherhood isn’t a series of neatly tied-up lessons - it’s a constant becoming. I share my experiences, reflections, and hard-won insights I wish I’d had earlier, hoping another mum out there feels a little less alone and a little more supported. I want to offer the tools, tips, and techniques that have helped me navigate parenting, while encouraging you to trust yourself, make the choices that feel right for your family, and let go of the pressure to be perfect.

Most of all, I want you to know that you are enough. Parenthood isn’t about perfection - it’s about progress. And no matter how hard or lonely it feels some days, you are never in this alone.

If you’re feeling lost, stretched thin, or like you’ve forgotten how to take up space outside of being ‘mum,’ you’re in the right place. I hope you find the support, inspiration, and encouragement you need here.

Welcome - I’m so glad you’re here.
Much love,
Bel x